Hey Guys,
I just got an email from a very good friend of mine. I used to fly with him at AUTEC in the Beech 1900's. He was the Chief Pilot there and taught me some really good flying lessons that stayed with me for years after. I later went on to fly for a NASCAR team called Ginn Racing. He was flying as a freight dog in a 727. When that job went south, he joined me with the NASCAR gig, and we enjoyed flying together once again.
Anyways, now that you have all the boring history lesson, now the good stuff. He sent me this video of one of his approach and landings in the 72- landing at Port of Spain, Trinidad. Pretty stinking Cool!! Trent was always known for his smooth landings, so I know that the runway there at POS was really bumpy. You can even see the camera moving around rather abruptly even after the aircraft had landed and was on roll out. Hope you all enjoy!! Thanks Trent :0)
Trent's Boeing 727 Landing
I just got an email from a very good friend of mine. I used to fly with him at AUTEC in the Beech 1900's. He was the Chief Pilot there and taught me some really good flying lessons that stayed with me for years after. I later went on to fly for a NASCAR team called Ginn Racing. He was flying as a freight dog in a 727. When that job went south, he joined me with the NASCAR gig, and we enjoyed flying together once again.
Anyways, now that you have all the boring history lesson, now the good stuff. He sent me this video of one of his approach and landings in the 72- landing at Port of Spain, Trinidad. Pretty stinking Cool!! Trent was always known for his smooth landings, so I know that the runway there at POS was really bumpy. You can even see the camera moving around rather abruptly even after the aircraft had landed and was on roll out. Hope you all enjoy!! Thanks Trent :0)
Trent's Boeing 727 Landing